The SOURCEMLS™ badge
means that the real estate property information you are viewing has been
supplied directly from the multiple listing service (MLS). Why is that
important? Real Estate Brokers and Agents are required to directly, promptly
and completely enter information about their property listings into their local
order for a website publisher to be granted permission to use the SOURCEMLS™ badge,
they must meet the following criteria:
All data displayed pertaining to the
listing must come directly from the MLS
The listing database must be updated from
the MLS at least every twenty-four (24) hours
The source of the MLS listing data must be
The date/time the listing database was last
updated must be displayed
Data displayed may not be modified by the
No MLS listing data may be reused or
Should you discover any instances where the
above criteria are not being met, please click HERE to fill out a short online listing data discrepancy form.
Midwest Real Estate Data (MRED) is the real estate data
aggregator and distributor providing the Chicagoland multiple listing service
(MLS) to nearly 8,000 real estate offices and 40,000 real estate professionals,
including brokers, agents and appraisers. MRED has expanded well into the
“collar” counties surrounding Chicagoland, and its property information
encompasses northern Illinois, southern Wisconsin and northwest Indiana.